Tag Archives: Minimed


Arm sites for my sensors have been awesome. My readings are great, and I’ve been able to use my sensors for a full 6 days, as opposed to only 3 as before. I’m not sure what it is about that area, but apparently it’s the best one yet. Maybe because I rarely use it for insulin sites, so there’s not that much scar tissue?

Anyway, I’ve been doing my sensor insertions there manually (GASP!). Why? Because I can’t get the darn Sen-serter off. After a conversation with Scott from Rollin In The D (@Scott_InTheD) and Shannon (@ShanMarengo), I made a video showing how I do them:

The next thing that Scott brought up was the straightness of the sensor. It would seem that manual insertion might would cause it to bunch up or kink possibly or something, so I took a picture of the used sensor after I removed it:

Used Manually-inserted Sensor

Not bad.

So I don’t know if it’s because I manually inserted it or if my arms are the holy-grail for my sensor sites or a combo of both or none of the above and I just have had 2 great sensors, but either way, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, so ain’t fixin’ it. 😉 (Had to throw a little southern charm in there, ya know.)


Filed under dblog, Diabetes

Lenny – FridayFind 5

One thing (person?) we were all introduced to when I attended the Diabetes Advocates Forum at Medtronic last month was Lenny.

Lenny the Lion, that is.

We all know Lenny from his Carb-counting game app for iPhone, iPad and Android, but now he comes to life for children (of ALL ages) everywhere!

Medtronic worked with Build-A-Bear to make these special bears to help give courage to kids when learning how to use an insulin pump and insert sites. Every child, 12 and under, who go onto the pump for the first time receives their very own Lenny from their trainer. He has special little spots on him – tummy, thighs, upper arms, and butt, for learning specific places that they can insert pump sites into. He even has one on his paw for testing blood sugar! The spots are made of a denser foamy material that make it feel like a real insertion, not just hold on to the site once it’s in. The idea behind Lenny is to help kids learn to have courage, and to not let diabetes hold them back.

Lenny came with his own material too:


{How to register YOUR Lenny to receive a birth certificate so you your child can go play with him in Bearville!}

{Tips on Site Rotation and how often to change them}

{A few more quick tips}

{I put some of BabyK’s 3-6 month clothes on him. Poor thing was “nakey”. 😉 }

And, from Medtronic themselves, here’s a fact sheet on Lenny:

{Click to see the full version - Used with permission}

One question that came up a lot on Facebook after a few of us posted the pictures was, “HEY! I want a Lenny! Where can I get one?” Well, my friends, he is available in the Medtronic Store, as well as a mini-version of himself that can hold an insulin pump inside (or Guardian CGM). I think this is great because there are those of us who are *slightly* over 12 (not pointing fingers at myself at ALL) who would want one but didn’t get one in pump training.

The only thing I wish he had (and actually it was mentioned to Medtronic during the forum) is his very own pump of somesort… and a CGM if the child is going to go on both. Some even mentioned Lenny having a sibling. I think Lenny needs to have a Lioness best friend – Lynn? Leona? Lenora? – who is diabetic too.. for the girls. Cause, come on… you know you would want to put a cute frilly outfit on her! (Possibly be a good way to show them how to “hide” their pumps? No?) This was actually brought up as a question in the forum – “would there be a girl version?”, and the answer was no. But I’m thinking that maybe, as with most companies, if the demand is high enough, they might consider it… so, would you like to have the choice of getting a Lenny or a Lenora? Let me know and I’ll pass it along!

Now, I’m off to shop for more clothes from Build-A-Bear for him, then snuggle and play with the app for a bit!

Suga-Rating for this FridayFind?


4 out of 5

Disclaimer! I did receive Lenny at no charge to me from Minimed. They did not ask me to blog about him, nor feature him in a Friday Find post. The kit that was sent to me had everything as shown above, and did not include 6 infusion sets as mentioned in the online product feature (I’m assuming this is because I’m already a pumper and the 6 would be for the child to practice with during training).

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Continuing to Step in the Right Direction

This afternoon, I received an email that Medtronic has just sent out a press release regarding the ASPIRE study – the one where the worlds first insulin pump with LGS (Low-Glucose Suspend)! Results are awesome, too! According to the information, there was a 19% reduction in time spent below 70 when users were on this pump system. That is awesome, folks. A huge step in the right direction, in my opinion.

While it isn’t a cure, I do applaud these people who are working so hard to get better technology like this for us so that we can hopefully live longer, better lives, and maybe reduce the number of blue candles lit for lives lost due to hypoglycemia. And also, a huge thanks to those who are in the study, being human lab-rats for us.


If you’d like to read the release, you can find it HERE.


Filed under dblog, Diabetes

The Right Stuff

I don’t know why this seems to be a “revelation” to me this week, but it has been. Blame it on the fact that I realize now that the reason why I’ve never been able to let my hair just “air dry” is because it’s wavy – I just have to put a little effort into it. But that effort is null without the right product. So, I’m on the hunt to find out the right product to emphasize and bring out that natural wavy goodness.



What does that have to do with diabetes? Everything.

We all know that diabetes is different for everyone (YDMV {Your Diabetes May Vary}), but everyone’s treatment is also different. It’s not a one-size-fits-all disease. Not everyone needs or wants to use an insulin pump, and not everyone wants to use shots all their life either. And those who do use pumps, there are many many many different brands. Where you might like an Animas Ping Pump, others might prefer their Minimed Revel {raises hand!}, or you might want to go “wireless” all together.

Some prefer not to have a CGM (why, I’ll never know), while others practically fight tooth, nail, arm, leg, and foot to have one. Some go with the “egg“, others either integrated into their pump or separate if on injections.

Some pull out measuring cups, spoons, weight scales and all manner of measuring devices for each meal to get spot on carb counts. {During pregnancy, I was one of these people. Anal, yes, but hey, it worked for me!} While others are fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants SWAG {scientific wild a~~ guess} champions who eyeball foods based on carbs known in portion sizes… mostly relative to sizes of fists, palms, and thumbs.

All in all, you have to make your diabetes work for you. You also have to use the tools that work best for you. What works for someone else may not be what works the best for you. Research the options to their fullest extent. Ask yourself, “Will this really benefit me? Is this something I can keep up with long-term or is it just a “oooo, pretty!” decision?” And most importantly, keep in mind that the technology we have is pretty darn awesome, but it’s not perfect.

Now, off to research hair products.



Filed under dblog, Diabetes

My CGM Tips

So, most of you know who have been reading my blog know that I am using a Minimed Revel pump + CGM for to control (or try to at least) my diabetes. Lately, I simply could not figure out what I was doing “wrong” with the cgm and why it wasn’t catching my lows or highs and things like that. I even posted a request on my DiabetesDaily blog asking for help from other Minimed CGM users as to what they do for more accurate readings. Well, after a week or so of buckling down to really try and figure this thing out, I have a few tips to share that may help you if you’re using the same CGM (or even a Dexcom – I’m not biased!). Of course, these are only tips that work for me. I am not saying you have to do these things, and as a matter of fact, I would rather you speak with your health care provider before trying these just to get the OK from them.

1. Undercover and overcover. (This one applies to the Minimed sensor – Dexcom users can’t do this one, sorry!)

After inserting a sensor, but before attaching the transmitter, put a piece of tape to cover the “sensor head” (the part that is purple-ish and flat), but under the “feet” of it. Take a piece of Tegaderm or IV3000, and cut it in half. Then, cut a slit in it that would look like your eyelid opening (just imagine this: () ). VEEERY carefully, slide the feet and connector end through the hole, so that part of it is under the feet and connector, but the other part is over and completely covering the sensor head, and secure it down.

Why do I do this? As an added layer of protection against water. I have found that if it gets wet and just a smidge of the sensor is above my skin, the sensor readings aren’t as accurate as they could be. Since I have done this, my readings have improved a lot!… but not as much as also doing this: (proceed to tip #2).


2. Don’t just let it get wet…. SOAK IT!

That’s right. Soak it. Overnight. If you put a reminder on your phone (or use the Medtronic app on your iPhone to remind you!) for the night before the sensor-change day. Insert a new sensor, secure it with the under/over cover method, and also with a total over-cover. Take another Tegaderm or IV3000 patch, cut a small square out of the paper that would be big enough to over the sensor, place it in the middle of the tape, then place the tape over the sensor. That way, you won’t accidently rip it out overnight or scratch it out (as I have done before). Then, the next morning, carefully remove the top layer of tape, and connect your transmitter, and add a final top layer of tegaderm to secure it and add that top layer of waterproofing. (Which, I have to say – the system is approved to be waterproof, but as I said before, I do it just for sensor accuracy for me.)

Sensor Change

Photo 1: Sensor under/over covered and covered for bedtime.

Photo 2: Carefully removed the top “sleeping protective” cover.

Photo 3: Connected the transmitter. Yey, green light!

The reason why I decided to do the soak it trick is because I noticed that my sensors (seeing as you only get 3 days out of these suckers) would be best  only on days 2 and 3. And, with me, extending the sensors just is not an option because I don’t get very good readings by day 5, so, I thought “hey, maybe let it soak and see what it does”. Well, by golly, it worked. And has worked ever since. (note: I also used to do this with my Dexcom, and it worked very well too!)


3. Log to calibrate.

I know it may be a hassle to do, but take one week to log everything – food, insulin doses (for food or corrections), exercise, etc, and find out your “quiet” times. The times when your blood sugar is going to be the most stable. Granted, yes, I know you Dexcom users are probably thinking, “Yeah, well, I don’t have to do this because I can calibrate at any time.”, and this is true, but trust me, it helps you guys too. Use these “quiet times” to calibrate your sensor. My times are (1) first thing in the morning, (2) mid-afternoon and (3) before bed. Your times may differ, just as your diabetes may differ from mine (to an extent). The reps will tell you to calibrate 4 times per day because though you’re required to every 12 hours (2x per day), 4 is the optimal amount of times, and more than that just gives it too much info. But for me, 3 times is a good number because it’s one more than 2, and one less than 4 – sort of the safe zone, so that it has enough information, but I have an extra “okay to calibrate” card up my sleeve as well for when it’s needed. And, if you are really, really, really a perfectionist about it (which, you’ll have to lose some of that perfectionalizm anyway to be any brand CGM user as they are NOT perfect), you can even set reminder alerts in your pump to go off at the times that are best for you to calibrate based on your awesome logging data.


So there you have it. I’m still working on other little quirks that may make it even better, but at this point, I’m pretty darn satisfied with the improvements I’ve had so far. And, if you have any tips you would like to share other than these, please – by all means, share them with me by leaving a comment. I would love some feedback from others who have some tricks up their sleeves too!

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The First Week With The Revel

I’ve now had a week to play around with my new Revel pump and I thought I’d write a post about my likes and dislikes of the system so far.

First of all, the main thing I love is the CGM being integrated. No more need to have two devices hooked to me. Granted, I know that they will not be the only pump company on the market for long (thank you, Animas!) to have this feature, but having had it for the past week, I have to say, it is heaven to have just one device. And yes, I know that even with having a CGM is a blessing, so I am not trying to cut down or say that having a separate CGM device is not worth it – it totally is, but having it integrated is awesome.

Now, one thing that the system does not have that the OmniPod and Animas Ping has is remote bolus from the meter. This is a good feature for parents or ladies who wear dresses or men who hide their pumps in places out of sight and don’t want to take it out to bolus. But for me, I was so used to having the “traditional” pump when I had the Disetronic H-Tron Plus, that I guess old habits die hard. Even with the OmniPod and Ping, I would hold the remote in my hand while it delivered a bolus just to make sure it was delivering. And even with the Ping, at times I would just bolus from the pump because it was what I was used to. So having to bolus from the Revel isn’t that big of a deal to me. But I do see where it could be an issue for some.

But in speaking of bolusing, it does have on of the best bolus calculation + delivery systems I have used. I like that when I check my bg with my meter, it is “beamed” over to the pump, and from there you just press “act”, enter your carbs, press “act” again, it does it’s calculations for you to review, and you press “act” to deliver the suggested bolus. What’s different here between the Ping in particular is that with the Ping, it gives you the suggested bolus amount, but you still have to dial in the bolus to match the suggested amount. With the Revel, it’s already there, you just have to confirm it. Then, when it’s being delivered, it shows you as it counts up to the bolus amount. Granted, it delivers slowly, but I found out while I was on the Ping that I did better with a slower delivery. I’m assuming it helps the insulin not pool beneath the skin as much.

revel alarmOne feature that the pump has over the Guardian CGM is that when you are low, instead of just flashing on the screen “Low BG”, it shows you the glucose level. I would have liked to have that feature on the Guardian while I was using it. But, that’s neither here nor there. Either way, you still have to escape out of the screen, otherwise it alarms constantly to let you know until you acknowledge it.

Which brings me to my main gripe about the system – both the Guardian and the Revel. Unlike the Dexcom, when it alarms, it gives you a few minutes to be able to dismiss it. With this system, it seems to alarm every 30 seconds until you dismiss it. Which I’m sure this is a good feature for some, but for me, it seems to always be right as I’m sitting down with BabyK to feed him or rock him to sleep. And it just so happens to be in the pocket that’s inaccessible at the time, so it vibrates and vibrates and vibrates until eventually it does it’s own “baby cry” (you know, the one where when the baby thinks you’re ignoring it’s initial cries so it amps it up a bit and screams bloody murder at you to get your attention? yeah, that one…) and you have to dismiss it. That is the one reason why when I go to church, I will be putting the alarms on silent for those two hours. Can you imagine? Like Kerri’s “disco boob” encounter, I’d be having a “disco boob” or “disco hip” move of my own during prayer or something.

The system setup is pretty well the same. You have the cartridge, tubing and site. And, for the most part, these are no different than any other system, accept they have their own connections verses the standard Luer Lock connection of the Accu-chek Spirit and Animas systems. But one advantage they do have is their cartridge. The trainer told me that with the way theirs is made, if you were to be stranded without supplies and need to give a shot, the cartridge acts sort of like a vial of insulin and it self-sealed at the top. So, if you have a syringe with you, you can actually draw the insulin you need out into the syringe and just give yourself a shot for what you need until you can fix whatever you need to with your pump (whether it’s gone bezerk or if your battery has died, that kind of thing). That’s pretty cool if you ask me!

All in all, I do like the system a lot. I’m not going to say that I’m in love with it completely, but I do admire lots of the functions it has. I will have to say though that even though Medtronic is supposedly coming out with a better, more accurate sensor that lasts longer and all of that jazz, they still may be one step behind the ball game when the Animas Vibe is allowed here in the US. Why? Waterproof capabilities! That will be the biggest clincher that Animas will have over Minimed from what I can tell. So I hope they come up with a pump that’s waterproof along with a better, longer lasting sensor with the next “edition” of the Minimed Paradigm.

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Revelling – Getting Started

First off, let me say that I am very sorry for not getting this post up Monday as promised. I wanted to get it done, but learning to balance a new baby and diabetes is much harder than I ever thought it would be, especially when the baby throws an all-nighter at you. The only thing we can figure is that his diaper rash is back and he was just not comfy, and that’s completely understandable. I certainly wouldn’t be happy with a messy diaper on my raw behind either. And the poor thing just makes you feel terrible when changing him, screaming his cries to the top of his little but powerful lungs and even quivering his bottom lip. I try to hold and cuddle him a little more after his diaper changes, just because you can’t help but do that. I mean, you feel bad enough changing him knowing that it’s painful, but knowing you’re the one causing him pain is just awful. It has to be done, I know, I just wish I could make it more comfortable for him.

BUT (no pun intended)! As to the purpose of this post, I am here to talk about my first few days with the Minimed Revel. The training went very well. As a matter of fact, after speaking with her for a little while, we found out that she worked at the same camp I had attended when I was a teenager! I remembered her being in the infirmary and when she called to do her follow-up check-up on me the next day, she told me she had remembered me because of my organizational skills (I’m sort of OCD about that kind of thing. I organized her pump skins by model so she could find them easier when she handed them to me to look through to find a few I wanted for my pump). I did drop low a couple of times during training, but what was so neat to me was that she could tell before I could just by the look on my face. I need to know how she did that so I can teach Erik!

The setup of the Revel was very easy. The online pre-training guides you through getting your pump ready for the training class by helping you set the time and date, and letting you become familiar with the buttons and menus. It also has a course on the basics of how shot therapy is different from pump therapy and how to adjust. As an experienced pumper (11 years now), I started to skip this training, but I went through it anyway just as a refresher, and I’m glad I did. There were a few things I didn’t know, so my suggestion is that no matter how much you think you know or how basic it may seem, give your training the benefit of the doubt and just do it. You never know what you’ll be surprised to learn.

When the trainer arrived, I had everything set out. She went through verifying the basal rates, correction factors, IC ratios and BG targets I had moved over from my Ping to the Revel. The setup was fairly quick and easy to go through. The part that got me was getting the cartridge filled and inserted. It is a lot different than the other pumps as it all screws together in a screw+lock system, unlike the luer lock systems of my other pumps. It is something you have to learn the “feel” for if you’re not used to it. The rest of the setup through the pump was very easy as the screens guide you through every step, very much so like the way the OmniPod PDM does, giving you directions with each step, whether you know what you’re doing or not. That, I liked… a lot.

Next, we got the CGM part going by plugging in my transmitter ID and starting my sensor. The coolest thing about this part was I was able to keep the Guardian connected to the transmitter as well, so for a while, I was getting readings on both my pump and the Guardian monitor. They stayed relatively close in number to each other, but just like finger sticks, they were off somewhat, with my pump reading in the lower 80’s and the Guardian reading in the upper 70’s. I kept both systems connected until the sensor time “ran out” on the Guardian, which was only a few hours later.

Over the next few days, the pump CGM stayed in line pretty well with my fingersticks, which is a good thing. And although the system my look to some as outdated and not as pretty or fancy as other systems out there, it is a very solid system. Bolusing was very easy with the bolus wizard, with only needing your input of BG (if it wasn’t automatically “beamed” over from the meter) and carb amount and it does the rest. All you have to do is review the amount and tell it to “act”. You don’t have to dial up the bolus to match what the pump suggests like you do with the Ping system. It is a simple, easy, straightforward pump, and I like that.

I’ll write another post sometime this week (hopefully) and explain a little more about my likes and dislikes of the pump.

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REVEL-ling In Disclosure Time Again!

20100101-DSCN0667Yep, it’s that time again! It’s time to update my disclosure for all of you happy readers of the IGTS Blog, and I am so excited to share this with you.

Last month, I was given the opportunity to be a part of Minimed’s blog, The LOOP Blog. After speaking with the PR department (They are some super nice people!), sharing several emails, and getting some other legal stuff squared away, we now have a formal contract in place that states I will post once a month for them. In exchange for these posts, I have been provided a Minimed Revel insulin pump as well as a box of sensors free of charge, and are mine to keep. (I went with the clear one if anyone is curious! LOL!)

They do not reserve any rights to what I post here on my blog about their product, but they do, however reserve that right to what I send in for their blog (which is only fair). The blog entries I write for them will post on the 15th of each month, and I’ll let you know when they are up by posting them to Twitter and Facebook. My training for the pump is scheduled for today, so I will post here Monday about how it all went.

I am super excited to be a part of their involvement with social media and outreach to the DOC, and hope to represent both Medtronic Minimed and the DOC in a way that will make you guys proud.


Filed under Diabetes, Non-Diabetes

First Solo Guardian Sensor Change… Sort of.

MM SensorI had to do my first solo Minimed Guardian sensor change Friday, and I took the opportunity to take some pictures.

While I know there are ways to extend the sensor, my skin was getting itchy and sort of painful, so I decided it was best not to try my luck and go ahead and switch things out. After I got up and showered, I went ahead and placed the new sensor in my upper thigh, which, once again, gave me no trouble using the Sen-serter. (Shhh! I actually like the device! No gearing up to do a manual insertion – it does it for me!)  I made a make-shift Band-Aid to cover it using IV3000 and cutting a square to cover the sensor out of the paper and making a sensor sandwich to cover it (sensor, paper, then IV3000) but make it easy to remove and not pull the sensor out when I was ready to do the switch.

So, at around 1pm, I started to do the process of switching everything out. I was so used to Dexcom’s way of going into the menu to stop the old sensor and then start the new one when you were ready, that I went completely confused when I didn’t see a similar setup in the Guardian’s layout. I went back and referred to the manual and the online tutorial, but those ( I thought ) only applied to inserting your first sensor… not how to do a replacement “new” sensor. So what did I do? Yep – I called Minimed Customer Support and asked them to walk me through the process. I have to give them an A+++++ on this because the rep I spoke with was very understanding, patient, and very eager to help me and even double-checked with me to be sure I understood the process completely. He went above my expectations. He not only walked me through, but he made sure I understood the process well enough for the next change out as well. That’s what I call great customer service!

I knew that the area had been itching that night before and that morning, but I figured it was just about that time that I get rashes from glue adhesives and it would be fine as soon as I changed everything out. Well, when I took everything out and off, this is what I was left with:

Old MM Sensor Site

Not only did I have a rash from the glue, but somehow, my skin had been cut between where the clam-shell transmitter and the butt-end of the sensor meet. I’m hoping this won’t be a recurring thing with the sites and it was just that I had placed this one on my side. Granted, the user guide does state not to put the sensor in an area where your body moves a lot, so putting it on my side was not the best idea. But with being as pregnant as I am, we weren’t sure where to put the sensor during training since my stomach wouldn’t be safe right now, and I didn’t really want to strip down to put it in my leg either. So just a word of caution.. do what the book says… no insertion in “bending” areas!

BUT! On to the sensor itself. Setup went just as the first insertion. I recharged the transmitter, clipped it into the sensor that had been on my leg waiting for 5 hours by this time (I wanted to be sure to get it plenty “wet” and see if it helped with readings right off the bat), and tapped it down with IV3000. In the monitor, instead of having a menu option of “stop sensor” to stop the old one, you just go and tell the Guardian monitor to “start new sensor” and it begins the 2 hour warm-up period.

After the two hours, I calibrated and stayed pretty well on-track with no problems. I will say this though. Not only is it important to calibrate when your bg is steady and all that good stuff that they tell you, always clean your fingers. I know this should be a given, but I am very guilty of not making sure my hands are clean when testing. And how often do we fuss and complain about variability in CGMs verses meters when we’re probably testing with not-so-clean fingers? I know some of you out there are not as slack in that area as I used to be, but I have now made it a point to try to make sure I clean my fingers before testing, especially if that number is going to be used for calibration…. because what’s the point of calibrating if you’re going to give it a bad number anyway?

I’m scheduled for my second change out today. Debating on trying to extend it or change it. I’ll let you know on that one later.


And, just in case you wanted to see them, here’s some more pictures of what the sensor looks like (granted, this one is used, so please ignore the dried blood in places… I tried to clean it but some got left behind):

MM Sensor

If you look really closely at the sensor wire, you’ll see that it’s coated… I’m assuming that’s the difference between why you can take acetaminophen with their sensor and not with the Dexcom? Hmm.

MM Sensor


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GUARDIAN setupI have jumped ship from the Dexcom world to the Minimed one.

After doing my trial run with the Minimed Guardian, I have to say that even though it does have it’s drawbacks (slightly bigger size, inability to be calibrated during rate of change), I did like the system… a lot. So we went ahead with insurance approval and I am now the proud owner of the Guardian system. I do still have my Dexcom system available to me, but strictly for backup purposes.

GUARDIAN setupThe system came via UPS yesterday and I was set up and trained yesterday afternoon (I love my endo’s office!). While it is very easy to set up, the most difficult part was just finding a place for insertion. I can’t use my belly (obviously not a good choice at 8 1/2 months preggo), and I can’t twist around to put it in my lower-back/lovehandle area, so we put it on my side. It may not be the best place as far as sleeping, but it does work there with no issue. One restriction that Dexcom has and Minimed doesn’t with placement is the direction of placement. I have read the owner’s manual and I can’t find where it matters which direction the sensor is injected in, just as long as it’s not within 2 inches of a pump site and 3 inches of a manual injection site, whereas Dexcom, you have to place it (or you’re supposed to place it) horizontally… which can make for a weird insertion in the arm.

Another thing I liked with their system is my skin doesn’t react the way it does to Dexcom. I usually have a rash coming up by the end of the week now with Dexcom, and I didn’t have that issue with the guardian.

When I went for training, it was a little more involved than the Dexcom, but that’s because it has more features. Things like the predictive alerts and area under the curve (AUC) were explained to me, as well as how to use the Guardian system as a logbook for pumpers or pen users. My endo’s nurse even gave me an UltraLink meter that can wirelessly send my bg to the Guardian for calibration if I wanted to try that as well (which I did, very neat!).

My next thing will be purchasing a supply bag/case. While this doesn’t require you to carry anything but the monitor with you, I’d still like to keep a small backup kit with me with sensors, inserter, and transmitter tester and charger inside along with extra pump sites, batteries, glucose tabs and strips… you know, all that stuff you’re supposed to keep with you anyway. I never did before, but seeing as how I’m going to be a busy mom soon, I’m sure it will be nice to have one place to have everything with me for a quick change out if needed without having to worry about where all my stuff is. (It’s kinda sad that my purse will probably be the size of my kid’s diaper bag by the time I’m done.)

I can’t wait to be able to upload and view my reports from the first sensor. Even though my Ping pump keeps everything logged for me, I’m using the logging function in the Guardian as well to keep a log that will upload with the CGM report and give a full, comprehensive view of what’s going on. I’ll share that with you guys next week.

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