REVEL-ling In Disclosure Time Again!

20100101-DSCN0667Yep, it’s that time again! It’s time to update my disclosure for all of you happy readers of the IGTS Blog, and I am so excited to share this with you.

Last month, I was given the opportunity to be a part of Minimed’s blog, The LOOP Blog. After speaking with the PR department (They are some super nice people!), sharing several emails, and getting some other legal stuff squared away, we now have a formal contract in place that states I will post once a month for them. In exchange for these posts, I have been provided a Minimed Revel insulin pump as well as a box of sensors free of charge, and are mine to keep. (I went with the clear one if anyone is curious! LOL!)

They do not reserve any rights to what I post here on my blog about their product, but they do, however reserve that right to what I send in for their blog (which is only fair). The blog entries I write for them will post on the 15th of each month, and I’ll let you know when they are up by posting them to Twitter and Facebook. My training for the pump is scheduled for today, so I will post here Monday about how it all went.

I am super excited to be a part of their involvement with social media and outreach to the DOC, and hope to represent both Medtronic Minimed and the DOC in a way that will make you guys proud.


Filed under Diabetes, Non-Diabetes

2 responses to “REVEL-ling In Disclosure Time Again!

  1. Congratulations! That’s exciting!

  2. CONGRATS! It’s a crazy new journey for you, Mama 🙂

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